
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Grilled Vegetable & Chicken Salad

For dinner tonight, we had a grilled but not green salad. I sliced some red potatoes and tossed them with olive oil and salt and pepper before having Gerry grill them. I also sliced a fennel bulb and gave it the same olive oil, salt and pepper treatment before grilling them. I trimmed and peeled some asparagus and did the same olive oil, salt and pepper before grilling. The veggies were grilled perfectly and topped with a grilled boneless, skinless chicken breast half simply seasoned with salt and pepper.

The perfect twist to make this a salad was a Hollandaise dressing which was simply a hollandaise sauce made in a blender with the addition of half of an avocado for added flavor and creaminess.

Gerry and I agree:

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